Mr. Bean Singing Modern Worship Song Watched Over 100,000 times
25 October 2022
Well,... not exactly.
Last month, Instagram user Manuel Daviid posted an Instagram (IG) reel video of himself playing and singing to Phil Wickham's "Living Hope" but what made the video most unusual was that he super-imposed Mr. Bean singing the "Hallelujahs", perfectly fitting into the chorus of the modern worship hit.
The Mr. Bean clip was actually taken from the pilot episode of the British comedy from 1990 (which definitely still holds up today).
"My brain everytime we sing Living Hope ?," Manuel wrote in the caption of his post.
The video has already been watched over 130,000 times at the time of writing.
"Oh my goodness thank you for this!!! I love it" one IG user said. "Maaaan ?? this is epic ??? ," said another.
We hope this little video puts a smile (and a laugh) on your face today. Watch it below: